Caring for Your Horse

What to Do When Your Cat Loses a Tooth in a Fight

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So your cat was in a fight, and while they might have been victorious over the other cat who happened to be annoying them, they still might have lost. What did they lose exactly? Their dignity? Your respect? Perhaps. But the more pressing matter is if your cat happened to get into a scrap that was vicious enough for them to lose a tooth. How Would You Even Know? You might be unaware of your cat’s dental problem until later. Read More»

Two tips for helping a chronically ill friend who owns a dog

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If you have a chronically ill friend who has a dog and they are finding it difficult to juggle caring for their pet and looking after themselves, here are some things you could do to help them. Take over the dog-walking duties If a person is ill most of the time, then they may find it impossible to walk their dog as frequently as they need to in order to keep their pet physically healthy. Read More»